Excerpts 2017

Yesteryears editorials

Tension at the peak?

New developments were presented by CNBC on the rising world tension.  USA and Russia is now in a clash at the United Nations over the North Korean conflict.  Moreover it has been reported that the North Korean State Media has recently warned the United States of a “super mighty preemptive strike.”


The official newspaper of the North Korean ruling party,  ‘Rodung Sinmun’ stated that should this “super mighty preemptive strike be launched, it will completely and immediately wipe out not only the United States imperialist invasion forces in South Korea and its surrounding areas and   the United States mainland will  be reduced to ashes.”


United States House Speaker Paul Ryan says that allowing the Korean dictator to have this kind of power that at any whim, he might strike the United Statea and its allies with nuclear weapons is preposterously dangerous.  North Korea has regularly threatened Japan, South Korea and the United States with belligerence. Thus, there are questions around the web of what might happen including the possibility of a Third World War.


We are certainly  on the verge of escalating conflicts about to burst.


Nearly a hundred years ago Our Blessed Mother Mary  appeared to  three children in Fatima and warned them that if people did not stop offending God, He would punish the world “by means of war, hunger and persecution of the Church and of the Holy Father,” using Russia as His chosen instrument of chastisement.


This was in  July 13  2017.  To prevent all this  In October 1917  the Blessed Virgin gave  the miracle of the sun  to the people in Fatima. They were advised to pray for world and for Russia’s consecration to the immaculate Heart of Mary to bring peace to the world.


Even now we certainly need to follow the Blessed Virgins advice given in Fatima.  Prayers for peace is what we need for the moment to solve all these issues.  Only God can change people’s minds and the course of wind.

Mary A. Quizon

Yesteryears editorials

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