Trying Times

Yesteryears Editorials

Mary A. Quizon

We are greeted by the mind boggling news that : Mindanao is now under Martial law that could possibly be extended to the rest of the Philippine Islands if conditions get worst.  North Korea sends another missile off . Pentagon opines that going to war would have horrible consequences on the whole world. Trump sells 130M worth of arms to Saudi.  The bombing at the Manchester Ariana Grande Concert was claimed by ISIS.


This is the month of our Blessed Mother Mary. The month of flowers, apparitions and miracles. All these news are merely an invitation to come to the Mother of God , our heavenly Mother and catch her waiting extended loving hand in this time of trials.


At Fatima the Blessed Virgin Mary gave a fleeting vision of hell to the three mystic children, Lucia, Jacinta and Francisco and the vision getting stuck to their very young minds, never left them. From then on they have wished and hankered  for heaven in fear of hell. The children’s daily lives have turned to lives of reparations and penance for themselves and for the whole world. Predictions of the Blessed mother on the ending of then ongoing world war 1 and  Jacinta and Francisco’s joining her soon in heaven were fulfilled as promised.


The three children , the miracle of the sun, and subsequent other miracles were all instruments to lead people back to our Heavenly Father and Creator via the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Present events and happenings are there for a reason,  An example of which is the Bible story of of Joseph with the multi coloured tunic.  Ten brothers driven by jealousy have connived and thrown Joseph into a well to die.  Yet, later they changed their minds , pulled him up back and sold him to slavery.  The story did not end here but brought us to Joseph the Governor of Egypt years after he was pulled out by God from slavery and gave him the power to read dreams and rule the people of Egypt.


Here we see the power of God our creator. The power to lead injustice to justice lifting up the humbled and raising the downcast.

Mary A. Quizon
Yesteryears editorials


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